The Boys' Place


Episode 1: Three guys walk move into a bar house…

Shamus and Josh move into a very poorly-maintained 3 bedroom house, the major selling points of which are that the cheap rent will leave them more money to buy beer and that there is a urinal in the bathroom. In order to keep the place tidy, they reveal they have advertised for a gay housemate who they assume will clean up after them. The ad is answered by not-very-gay-looking country boy Brett, who takes an instant like to the house and an instant dislike to Josh. And what is with that hole under the house?

Episode 2: The housewarming

The group discovers a large sum of cash and a fancy-looking ring hidden in a bag under the house. After being persuaded to hand the money in to the police, the boys' attention turns to their housewarming party, attended by Josh's very hot mum, a donkey and some special chocolate muffins.

Episode 3: The makeover

It is several weeks since the housewarming and the boys still haven't tidied up. Kate decides the boys need a makeover, but in the process of cleaning up comes across Shamus' porn collection. As the boys are taken through the basics of cleaning, cooking and proper dress sense, Kate initiates a number of attempts to find out what else Shamus is hiding from her.

The makeover - Part 1

The makeover - Part 2

Episode 4: The break-up

Shamus discovers that he can resist Kate's sexual advances if he pictures Josh naked. Now thinking that Shamus has turned gay, Kate breaks up with him, but the plan backfires when Shamus can't stop picturing Josh naked. Meanwhile, Josh meets an old friend, Paige, at a video store and manages to get her phone number.

The break-up - Part 1

The break-up - Part 2

Episode 5: Body/Swap

After having made fun of Brett's sexual orientation one too many times, Josh awakens to find he has swapped bodies with Brett a la Freaky Friday. Brett now has to pretend he's Josh during Josh's date with Paige. After attending the date from hell, the group decides to take Josh to a gay bar to try to open his mind, but Brett has plans to embarrass Josh into submission.

Body/Swap - Part 1

Body/Swap - Part 2

Episode 6: Prank War

After an argument over how to spend the money discovered under the house, Shamus and Josh declare a prank war, but when Shamus takes the war a step too far, Josh decides to move out. Just as he's about to leave, the boys' landlord, Mr De Silva, turns up, revealing that not only is he the true owner of the money, but he has also been running an unusual criminal enterprise right under the boys' noses.

Prank War - Part 1

Prank War - Part 2

© 2011 Work In Progress Films.